“Hey, Voyeurs! Feast your eyes on a cornucopia of Easter vocabulary with these 31 English words.” From the traditional “Easter Bunny” and “Egg Hunt” to the more obscure “Paschal” and “Resurrection,” this article delves into the rich lexicon associated with the Easter holiday. Whether it’s learning about the origins of “Lent” or discovering the meaning behind “Maundy Thursday,” this linguistic journey will leave you enlightened and prepared for Easter festivities. So, let’s dive in and explore the linguistic delights of Easter, shall we? For example, did you know that “Easter” derives from the Old English word “Ēastre,” which refers to the pagan goddess of spring and fertility? Expand your vocabulary and deepen your understanding of this beloved holiday with these captivating words.
1. Easter(复活节)- 这个单词本身就是复活节的意思,它来源于古英语的“Eostre”,是春天女神的名字。
2. Resurrection(复活)- 指基督从死亡中复活的神奇事件。
3. Crucifixion(钉死)- 基督被钉在十字架上的过程。
4. Holy Week(圣周)- 指复活节前一周,从圣枪周日开始,包括受难日和复活节。
5. Palm Sunday(棕枝主日)- 作为复活节前一周的开始,纪念进入耶路撒冷时,人们用棕树枝欢迎他。
6. Maundy Thursday(圣洗礼星期四)- 复活节前的星期四,纪念与门徒共进最后的晚餐。
7. Good Friday(受难日)- 复活节前的星期五,纪念被钉死在十字架上。
8. Easter Bunny(复活节兔子)- 传说中会送礼物和彩蛋的兔子。
9. Easter Egg(复活节彩蛋)- 被装饰成各种颜色和图案的蛋,象征着新生命。
10. Egg Hunt(寻找彩蛋活动)- 孩子们在花园或室内寻找隐藏的彩蛋的游戏。
11. Easter Parade(复活节游行)- 在复活节期间举行的游行活动,人们穿着盛装,庆祝这个节日。
12. Lent(斋戒)- 复活节前的40天,基督徒通过斋戒和祈祷来准备复活节。
13. Ash Wednesday(灰色星期三)- 复活节前的第一天,基督徒会在额头上涂上灰烬,作为悔过的象征。
14. Hot Cross Buns(十字面包)- 一种传统的复活节面包,上面有十字形状的糖霜。
15. Easter Lily(复活节百合)- 一种白色的花朵,象征着纯洁和新生。
16. Sunrise Service(日出礼拜)- 在复活节早晨举行的宗教仪式,目睹日出并庆祝的复活。
17. Easter Vigil(复活节守夜)- 在复活节前夜举行的宗教仪式,纪念的复活。
18. Passover(逾越节)- 犹太教的节日,纪念摩西带领以色列人从埃及奴役中逃脱的故事。
19. Seder(逾越节晚餐)- 逾越节期间的传统晚餐,包括许多象征性的食物和仪式。
20. Matzah(无酵饼)- 逾越节期间吃的一种无酵饼,象征着以色列人逃离埃及时的匆忙。
21. Hallelujah(哈利路亚)- 一个表达喜悦和赞美的宗教词语,常在复活节期间使用。
22. Cross(十字架)- 被钉死的象征,也是的主要标志。
23. Tomb(坟墓)- 被埋葬的地方,复活节象征着他从坟墓中复活。
24. Passion(受难)- 受难的过程,包括被捕、审判和钉死。
25. Salvation(救赎)- 基督徒相信的死和复活为人类带来了救赎。
26. Rebirth(重生)- 复活节象征着新生命和希望的开始。
27. Feast(盛宴)- 复活节期间人们会举行各种盛宴和庆祝活动。
28. Joy(喜悦)- 复活节是一个充满喜悦和庆祝的节日。
29. Spring(春天)- 复活节通常在春天举行,象征着新生和希望。
30. Blessing(祝福)- 复活节是一个受到祝福和祈祷的时刻。
31. Faith(信仰)- 复活节是基督徒展示和坚定信仰的重要时刻。
Hey, Voyeurs! 31 Easter Vocabulary Words English Feast
Easter is a joyous holiday celebrated by Christians around the world. It commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and it is a time of hope, renewal, and new beginnings. As we approach Easter, let’s dive into a feast of English vocabulary words associated with this holiday. Here are 31 words to enrich your Easter vocabulary:
1. Easter: The Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Example: Easter is a time for Christians to reflect on the sacrifice and triumph of Jesus.
2. Resurrection: The act of rising from the dead.
Example: The resurrection of Jesus is the central event in Christian theology.
3. Crucifixion: The execution of Jesus Christ by nailing him to a cross.
Example: The crucifixion of Jesus is a symbol of sacrifice and redemption.
4. Passion: The suffering and death of Jesus Christ.
Example: The passion of Jesus is a powerful reminder of his love for humanity.
5. Holy Week: The week leading up to Easter, including Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday.
Example: Holy Week is a time of reflection and preparation for Christians.
6. Palm Sunday: The Sunday before Easter, commemorating Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.
Example: On Palm Sunday, people wave palm branches to symbolize Jesus’ triumphal entry.
7. Maundy Thursday: The Thursday before Easter, commemorating the Last Supper.
Example: Maundy Thursday is a time to remember Jesus’ final meal with his disciples.
8. Good Friday: The Friday before Easter, commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus.
Example: Good Friday is a solemn day of remembrance for Christians.
9. Lent: The 40-day period of fasting and reflection leading up to Easter.
Example: During Lent, many Christians give up something as a form of sacrifice.
10. Ash Wednesday: The first day of Lent, marked by the placing of ashes on the forehead.
Example: Ash Wednesday is a reminder of our mortality and the need for repentance.
11. Easter Bunny: A mythical creature that brings Easter eggs and gifts to children.
Example: Children eagerly await the arrival of the Easter Bunny on Easter morning.
12. Easter Egg: A decorated egg, often filled with candy or small toys.
Example: The children had a blast searching for Easter eggs in the garden.
13. Easter Egg Hunt: A game where children search for hidden Easter eggs.
Example: The Easter egg hunt was a highlight of the day for the kids.
14. Easter Parade: A procession of people in festive attire on Easter Sunday.
Example: The Easter parade showcased colorful outfits and creative hats.
15. Sunrise Service: A religious service held at sunrise on Easter Sunday.
Example: The sunrise service was a beautiful way to start Easter morning.
16. Cross: A symbol of Christianity, representing Jesus’ crucifixion.
Example: The cross is a powerful reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice and love.
17. Church: A place of worship for Christians.
Example: Many people attend church on Easter Sunday.
18. Hallelujah: A word expressing joy and praise.
Example: The congregation sang “Hallelujah” to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.
19. Salvation: Deliverance from sin and its consequences.
Example: Christians believe that Jesus’ resurrection offers salvation to all.
20. Grace: Unmerited favor or kindness.
Example: Through God’s grace, we can experience forgiveness and redemption.
21. Rebirth: A new beginning or a fresh start.
Example: Easter symbolizes rebirth and the opportunity for a new life.
22. Joy: A feeling of great happiness and delight.
Example: Easter brings joy to the hearts of believers around the world.
23. Feast: A large and celebratory meal.
Example: Families gather for a festive Easter feast.
24. Spring: The season of new life and growth.
Example: Easter marks the arrival of spring and the awakening of nature.
25. Daffodil: A yellow flower that blooms in the spring.
Example: Daffodils are a common sight during Easter time.
26. Lily: A white flower often associated with Easter.
Example: The fragrance of lilies filled the church during the Easter service.
27. Rejoice: To feel or show great joy and happiness.
Example: Christians rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus.
28. Renewal: The act of making something new or fresh again.
Example: Easter brings a sense of renewal and hope.
29. Forgiveness: The act of pardoning someone for their mistakes or wrongdoing.
Example: Easter reminds us of God’s forgiveness and love.
30. Hope: A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain outcome.
Example: Easter fills our hearts with hope for a better tomorrow.
31. Faith: Complete trust and confidence in someone or something.
Example: Easter strengthens our faith in God’s promises.
As you celebrate Easter, may these vocabulary words enrich your understanding and appreciation of this special holiday. Happy Easter, everyone!